Merlí Sapere Aude

Merlí Sapere Aude

Cartel Merlí: Sapere Aude - Temporada 1 - Poster 21 sobre un total de 26 -

A spin-off of Merlí.


Pol Rubio starts to study Philosophy at the University of Barcelona while the relationship between Bruno and him begins to strengthen. Pol will meet new friends, new colleagues and new teachers apart from having to face conflicts in his new student stage, his complicated family and his new relationship with Bruno Bergeron in this way until becoming a Philosophy teacher.


This show is for comedy, drama and romantic lovers. Follow Pol Rubio discovering himself and how life works while studying at the university and making new friendships.

Serie Clip: The series clip is in Catalan.

Season 1:

Watch it on: Netflix and Movistar+.

Season 2/ Last Season:

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