The Cool Kids

The Cool Kids by Anissa B. Damom 

the cool kids


I wish she hadn't gone to school that day, maybe now her family's survival didn't depend on her.
For Victoria and her friends, everything has changed. War has invaded their lives in its most violent and blatant facet.
Having been up rotted from their homes, their well-being and that of those they love depends on what they are willing to sacrifice. Every minute is a dangerous test, and any doubt or mistake can have horrible consequences.
But how do you fight when the enemy is yourself? When barriers are your own limits? Would you make decisions that no one should even bring up?
Look at the person you love the most: do you really think you'd do anything to protect her?
In La Colmena it doesn't matter who you are, where you come from or who you love, just how far you can go and what lines you're willing to cross.


This book is for science-fiction, action and adventure lovers, it also has a little drama and romance. What would we do if we were young and recruited by a terrorist group that wants us to fight in a war to save our family?

Buy it on: Amazon.

Heroes by Anissa B. Damom 

Anissa B. Damom (@anissabdamom) / Twitter


That means bravery, making the right decision in a split second. The one that saves an innocent life, the one that manages to change the situation when everything seems lost, the one that keeps friends from pulling a trigger...
She's failed at all that.
Now, after her passage through the Hive, everything seems to fall apart and she and her friends will have to ask again what they are willing to sacrifice to protect those they love.
But what if you don't have a choice? Are you still a hero?
What if you start to find hope in your greatest enemy? What does that make you?
Decisions are getting more complicated. The world is no longer safe.
And Victoria's about to find out.

Buy it on: Amazon.

Valhalla by Anissa B. Damom 

valhalla (the cool kids 3)-anissa b. damom-9788419147592


Is there peace for warriors? Heaven where you're not judged for what you've done? Or is she already doomed to hell? Little remains of the girl she was before she entered La Colmena. What happened to your dreams and illusions? The sense of security?

None of that exists anymore.

Loneliness spreads around him like an enormous expansive wave, and the longed-for peace slips through his fingers every time he tries to reach it.

He cannot even afford to mourn those he has lost because he has yet to accomplish his mission: to find his family. Retrieve the remnants of what you still consider your home.

However, the reality is cruder and uglier than you think, and the worst decisions are yet to come. Along the way, he has begun to find shelter in the most unexpected place. And, also, wrong. Because it's the wrong one, isn'it?

The girl before the Hive would know. The Victory of the Hive would warn you. But that girl is gone. And it's too late. Doubts about him have never been more justified, but there is nothing more dangerous than someone who has lost hope.

The world, your world, has become even darker. Trust is more dangerous than ever, and Victoria has understood that there are no boundaries between right and wrong. Just the fight for survival. That, and not lose your soul along the way.

Peace has never been so far from their reach.

Buy it on: Amazon.

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