The Martian

The Martian

Resultado de imagen de the martian


When the crew of Ares 3 is forced to evacuate Mars in a dangerous sandstorm, astronaut Mark Watney is trapped and his companions consider him dead. Watney, a botanist and mechanical engineer of NASA, manages to survive the storm, but he is trapped and only on an uninhabited planet, where he only has the equipment and supplies that have been left there and that will not allow him to survive for long.

In spite of the adversities, the astronaut decides to put to work and to make use of his scientific and technical skills, to find the way of subsisting, before the supplies run out. Watney also maintains his good humour and mental agility thanks to an onboard diary in which he recounts his experiences, concerns and findings.

While his fellow astronauts, captained by Commander Melissa Lewis, think he may be dead, NASA discovers via a satellite that Mark is still alive. At that time, the person responsible for the Ares 3 mission, Vincent Kapoor, will play a decisive role. Their rescue and a possible return to the Earth become then priority and in an entire adventure where engineering, meticulousness and every minute of time the astronaut spends on Mars will be indispensable factors.


We recommend it to lovers of science fiction movies.

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