Barnett Bulldogs

King of Campus (Barnett Bulldogs #1) by Jennifer Sucevic

Resultado de imagen de King of Campus (Barnett Bulldogs #1) by Jennifer Sucevic


Roan King.

The uncrowned king of Barnett University. He's like a freaking celebrity around here. It's totally ridiculous. People, by which I mean grown women, actually stalk him on the internet. And around campus. Apparently, he's god's gift to both football and the ladies (I'm using that term loosely). All he has to do is smile and girls just fall right onto their backs before spreading their legs nice and wide. I've heard that he's already ploughed his way through half the female population here at Barnett. I'm sure he'll work his way through the second half before he gets drafted to the NFL later this year.

Yeah... I don't plan to be one of them. The guy is nothing more than a conceited player. You know the type—a steroid-infused meathead jock coasting through college on his football prowess.


I have three words for you—avoid, avoid, avoid.

Need I say more?

I don't think so.

I've had the sad misfortune of running into him on campus. Literally. As in—I literally slammed into him before spilling my iced coffee drink all over that wide rippling chest of his (did I just say that?). What I learned from the experience is that Roan King is one hell of a cocky son of a—

I also learned that he has the most spectacular chest...

And don't even get me started on those abs... I could probably cut diamonds on them.

Unfortunately for me, Operation Avoid-Roan-King isn't going so well. Everywhere I go, there he is. If he wasn't so ridiculously hot, he would be a hell of a lot easier to forget. With his dark hair, shocking turquoise-coloured eyes and (damn him) buff body, he's easily the most gorgeous guy I've ever laid eyes on.

Crap... see what I mean?

Why do I suddenly have the bad feeling that Roan King is going to lead to my utter ruin and downfall?


We recommend it to lovers of romantic books and new adults!

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Friend Zoned (Barnett Bulldogs #2) by Jennifer Sucevic

Resultado de imagen de King of Campus (Barnett Bulldogs #1) by Jennifer Sucevic


Is it wrong to suddenly find yourself crushing on your best friend? The one person who has always been there for you? I’m kind of thinking that it is. What I know for sure is that absolutely no good can possibly come from it. My relationships tend to expire long before the gallon of milk sits idly in my fridge. So why would I want to screw up the best relationship I’ve ever had?

No brainer- I wouldn’t. 

And yet I can’t stop noticing the way his piercing blue eyes pin me right in place. Or the unexpected urge I have to drag my fingers through his short thick blond hair. And those killer abs I sometimes catch a fleeting glimpse of when he stretches that big muscular body of his next to me in class? Yeah, you know you’re in trouble when your panties instantly flood on the spot. And don’t even get me started on the way soft cottony t-shirts fit across his ridiculously broad shoulders…

Nope… I should most definitely not be noticing any of this. Nor should I want to claw out the eyes of the waitress who keeps flirting with him right in front of my face…

Clearly, you can see why I’m starting to freak out here. 

So, exactly how do I go about getting rid of these traitorous feelings that have oh-so-unexpectedly taken root? How do I rewind time to when I wanted nothing more than a platonic friendship with him?

I haven’t the faintest clue… I just know that I have to try my damnedest to stop these nonsensical feelings from becoming even more entrenched. Because Sam is the one person I can’t afford to lose. He’s my absolute everything. Without him… yeah, I can’t even begin to imagine my life without him filling it. I refuse to throw away eight solid years of friendship on fickle feelings of sexual attraction.

So, no matter what happens, I can’t give in to these feelings.

Piece of cake, right?


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One Night Stand (Barnett Bulldogs #3) by Jennifer Sucevic


From USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Sucevic comes the third stand-alone novel in the Barnett Bulldogs series- One Night Stand. 
Liam- The moment she stepped foot through the door, she was on my radar. I mean, come on, how could she not be? The woman is absolutely gorgeous. Thick inky black hair and a sweetly curved body. Although I have to admit, this hole-in-the-wall dive bar doesn't exactly seem like her scene. 
For one, she's wearing too much in the way of clothing. There's not a short, barely there skirt or cleavage bearing top in sight. Two, she's shooting down every single guy that sniffs around her table like it's her sole mission in life. Casualties are scattered across the nasty beer stained floor as we speak. And three, my guess is that she's a little older than the usual college aged crowd that hangs here looking for a hook up to stumble home with at the end of the night. 
So, after a careful assessment of the situation, my current plan of action is to keep my sights firmly locked on the target as I bide my sweet damn time nursing a beer. Luckily, it doesn't take long for some drunken idiot to give me the perfect opportunity to step in and run interference. 
Here's my prediction as to how the rest of the evening is going to play out- by the end of it, her delicious looking a$$ will be warming my bed. I'd stake my upcoming football career on it. 
Gia- It takes a moment or two before I'm able to pry my eyelids open. I really shouldn't have slept in my contacts. That was a bad move on my part because now my eyes feel as if they've been cemented shut. Glancing around, I'm startled to realize that absolutely nothing looks familiar. Which is odd. Just as panic starts to spike through my veins, a torrent of memories crashes down upon my head. 
Sexy fauxhawk. Amazingly hard rippling muscles. Gorgeous swirling patterns of colorful ink covering both his arms and broad chest. And a very dirty mouth. 
Slowly turning my head, the breath catches at the back of my throat as I realize that the man in question is still sacked out rather soundly besides me. In fact, he's snoring ever so lightly. Guess I tuckered the poor guy out last night. A smile tugs up the corners of my lips. Unfortunately this is no time for gloating. 
By tacit agreement, it was decided that there wouldn't be any names or numbers exchanged. Absolutely nothing that would tie us to one another. Just one night of amazing, steamy, toe curling pleasure. And that, my friends, was definitely achieved. Several times, actually. See? Now I'm grinning (and gloating) like a complete lunatic when I should be hustling my a$$ out of here. The last thing I want is to taint all those lovely memories with awkward morning after banter. 
Slipping from beneath the covers, I roll in slo-mo from the bed before carefully dropping down onto all fours and army crawling my way towards freedom. Did I happen to mention that I'm still naked? I really shouldn't have let him rip the clothes right off my body while standing at the front door of his apartment. What the heck am I saying? Of course I should have, because it was soooo worth it. Even if I am currently doing a naked crawl of shame. 
Throwing one last fleeting glance over my shoulder, I creep right on out of the bedroom. If there's just a tiny little pinch of regret that I'll never see this guy again, I tamp it down before gathering up all my stuff and fleeing the apartment. 
Bye-bye hot tattoo guy. May our paths never cross again. 

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If you were Mine (Barnett Bulldogs #4) by Jennifer Sucevic


Know what happens when you don’t bother dating all through college because you’re much too busy trying to stay on top of your classes? I’ll give you a little hint… It starts with the letter V and ends with irginity. Ding, ding, ding… nailed it.

Well… at least something got nailed. Because it certainly wasn’t me. Just to be clear, it’s not like I’ve been holding out all these years, waiting for Mr Perfect to ride in and sweep me off my feet. And I didn't take a sacred vow of chastity either. It just kind of happened…or didn’t happen, as the case may be.

Know what’s worse than that?

Having the bad boy of the NFL, who also happens to be one of my brother’s teammates, offer to take care of that pesky little problem for me.

Buy it on: Amazon.

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