More Than Neighbors

More Than Neighbors by Isabel Keats

Resultado de imagen de Something more than neighbors


Leopold Gallagher, a rich English businessman of an aristocratic family, serious and obsessed with work, meets a night on the terrace of his house which, at first, he takes for the mistress of his old neighbour. Catalina Stapleton, the new inhabitant of the next floor, is an extroverted and generous young woman who enjoys helping others.

As soon as he crosses two words with his outstretched neighbour, he decides that, although he himself does not know it, Mr Gallagher is an unhappy man who needs to be saved from himself.

Despite the overwhelming attraction that arises between them, Leopold tries to keep the impertinent and crazy Cat at a distance; he is not willing to let his irritating neighbour, however adorable, knock down the barriers that it has cost so much to erect around him. However, destiny seems to have other plans ...

Something more than neighbours is a simple novel, cheerful, passionate and one hundred per cent romantic, that will catch you from the beginning and you can not stop reading.


We recommend it to lovers of romantic books!

Buy it on: Amazon.

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