War Horse

War Horse

Resultado de imagen de war horse


Takes place in rural England and in Europe during the First World War. The story tells the friendship between a horse named Joey and a young man named Albert (Jeremy Irvine), who tames and trains him.

When they are forcefully separated and Joey is sold to a cavalry, then the movie will follow the horse's extraordinary journey through the war, showing how it changes and inspires the lives of British cavalry soldiers, German soldiers and a French farmer and his granddaughter before the storey reaches an emotional climax in the heart of a no man's land. Despite his youth and the difficulties involved, Albert will not hesitate to get ready to go to fight in France, where he believes he can find his friend. A film that shows the First World War through an odyssey of joy and sadness, friendship and adventure.


We recommend it to the lovers of horses and drama, historical and war films.

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