Modern Family

Modern Family

Resultado de imagen de modern family


It tells the story of three different families that, for different reasons, are characterized by not being the typical traditional family. The series is conceived as a false documentary, a fact that we notice both in the camera movements and in the numerous occasions in which the protagonists go directly to it.

The first of the families consist of Jay Pritchett, who is over 60 years old married to a stunning Latin woman named Gloria Pritchett - later Delgado - and that also coexists with the son of this - the fruit of his previous marriage - called Manny. On the other hand, we have a gay couple formed by Cam and Mitchell, who have just adopted a little girl in Vietnam to whom they have called Lily.

The last of the three families consists of Phil Dunphy, Claire Dunphy and their three children: Haley, Alex and Luke. The father always tries to be the 'cool dad' as opposed to the mother, who is overprotective and controlling where they exist.


We recommend it to lovers of comedy series.

Series Clip:

Season 1:

Watch it on: Disney+ and Hulu.

Season 2:

Season 3:

Season 4:

Season 5:

Season 6:

Season 7:

Season 8:

Season 9:

Season 10:

Season 11/ Last Season: 

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