Irresistible Propuesta

Irresistible Propuesta by Joana Marcus

Resultado de imagen de irresistible propuesta


Remember: looks deceive

Jessica Evans is deeply in love with Matt Figgins for about four years. Although, in his eyes, Jessica does not exist. But it's understandable since Matt is one of the best-known people at Eastwood High School.

On the other hand, Scott Danvers is a teammate of Matt's team, and for some circumstances, he needs a favour from Jessica, so he proposes something irresistible; she will pretend to be his girlfriend for a month in exchange for him approaching Matt.

Although for Jessica Scott it would be the last option as a friend among all the men in the world, she accepts.

Will the Irresistible Proposal succeed?


We recommend it to lovers of romantic books. New Adult!

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  1. how can't i read it? i need it:c

  2. I need irresistible sonrisa

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