Cruzando los límites

Cruzando Los Límites (Cruzando los límites #1) by María Martinez


This book is a trilogy.


Savannah does not understand why everyone insists on her coming back with Brian. Does not anyone care about the reason why they broke up? Maybe she should play dumb and accept that her perfect, bright college boyfriend slept with another girl in the back seat of her car, destroying her little universe and her future plans.

Caleb is the opposite of Brian, someone not recommended. He is insolent, cheeky and temperamental, and has a look capable of causing fires. Savannah knows the danger of approaching him. However, now that the boy has returned to the city, what a few years ago was only a platonic and childish love threatens to become something very real ... and turn his last summer, before going to university, into the most exciting of his whole life.


We recommend it to lovers of romantic books. New Adult!

Buy it on: Amazon.

Rompiendo Las Reglas (Cruzando los límites #2) by María Martinez



«Love destroys you, it breaks you into a thousand pieces that no one can recompose ... Nobody but you.»

Tyler is sexy, intelligent and confident. Angered by the world, his character is unpredictable. The tattoos on his body are a constant reminder of everything he has lost, of the mistakes that can never be forgiven and of the desires that he will never achieve. He has learned in the worst possible way that love means suffering and that the only way to survive is to abide by his own rules.

Cassie is smart and funny, a bit cynical, and she does not care what others think of her. He knows what are his priorities and his expectations, and he has a clear idea of ​​the kind of life he wants to live. But under that appearance of security and control, a broken and frightened heart hides that he tries to protect at all costs.

It's been almost two years since Tyler and Cassie last saw each other. No one is prepared for the reunion, to accept that the attraction they once felt is still there, under their skin, impossible to ignore. Falling helpless seems inevitable; But, sometimes, love is not enough.

Buy it on: Amazon.

Desafiando Las Normas (Cruzando los límites #3) by María Martinez



"Sometimes, the road you fear the most is the one that takes you home."

A single second is enough to change a whole life. Spencer knows it very well.
Her past is full of losses that have marked her since she was a child. Although he never imagined that the most tragic of all of them would arrive at the same instant that his path crossed that of the wrong boy.
Almost three years have passed since that fateful meeting. Three years in which he has tried to recompose himself, leaving behind the girl he once was and of whom he is so ashamed. And finally, he thinks he has succeeded.

Eric needs to turn the page. He wants to start over again, close to his family, and forget all the lies he has grown up with. However, when you have spent your life going from one place to another without rest, settling down can be much more difficult than it initially seemed. And he does not stop thinking that his place is somewhere else very far from Port Pleasant.

Spencer and Eric fit like two halves.
She is broken in many different ways and does not allow anyone to get too close. He has problems that he is not willing to admit and what he fears most is what he most desires. Even so, they will soon realize that they can not be far from each other. And what begins as a friendship, will be transformed into another feeling much more intense, unable to deceive the heart.

A lost soul
A broken heart.
Sometimes, the person you least expect will end up becoming the most important in your life.

Buy it on: Amazon.

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