Algo Tan Sencillo

Algo Tan Sencillo Como Tuitear Te Quiero (Algo Tan Sencillo #1) by Blue Jeans

Resultado de imagen de algo tan sencillo como tuitear te quiero portada


«The first year at the university marks the lives of many people. You face new challenges, new illusions and numerous changes that, however much you have planned, do not stop surprising you. All this is multiplied if, in addition, that first year you spend in a student residence. You live twenty-four hours, seven days a week, with those who end up becoming your best friends. You open your eyes wide and love arises, disappointments arrive, you discover passion, you are persecuted by temptations, you know your fears thoroughly ...
all intensified and at a rate that gives vertigo. The children of Benjamin Franklin face that time full of dreams and also of doubts. Things are not always what they seem or go as you wish. But you have to throw the coin to see if it comes out cross or face », Blue Jeans

Something as simple as tweeting I love you is the new and long-awaited novel by Blue Jeans, the author of the best-selling series of romantic juvenile literature. In this novel, we will meet a group of boys and girls who face for the first time the experience of living and studying away from the family home. Madrid will become your host city and residence, in your new home. All of them will have their own problems and they will have to face hazing, loneliness, new relationships that may arise, temptations that are not recommended ... In spite of everything, and above all, love, friendship and loyalty to the group will triumph.


We recommend it to lovers of romantic books.

Buy it on: Amazon.

Algo Tan Sencillo Como Darte Un Beso (Algo Tan Sencillo #2) by Blue Jeans

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David, Elena, Oscar, Iria, Julen, Manu, Ainhoa and Toni, the boys in hall 1B return to the Benjamin Franklin residence after the Christmas holidays. But not everyone who started the course; Miss Nicole, had to leave for Valencia with her family, after suffering a xenophobic attack in the cafeteria where she worked. On the contrary, new protagonists will appear who will become habitual companions and will be part of their intense university lives.
Although apparently, things are still the same, the boys will face situations of all kinds: paranormal events, unexpected changes of direction, a mystery to be solved, transcendental doubts, impossible loves and some rupture that could be predictable.
A new four-month period in which nothing is what it seems.

Buy it on: Amazon.

Algo Tan Sencillo Como Estar Contigo (Algo Tan Sencillo #3) by Blue Jeans

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The boys in hall 1B just returned from the Easter holidays to face the end of their first year at university. There are not all those who started since Manu has not appeared in the Benjamin Franklin residence for more than two months. The man from Malaga told Iria he would return, but he has not kept his word.
These last months of the course promise to be very hectic. Óscar and Ainhoa ​​seem to be friends again, although one of them needs more; Julen has found love, like Toni, to whom Isa eats Pizza poses an impossible challenge to be his girlfriend.
In addition, room 1155 has a new tenant. Extremadura Silvia spends the hours given to his career, Architecture, but hides a secret, which ends up counting David. Will something arise between them? Elena, perhaps, is not too funny, because, after her sister cut with the Sevillian, he rethinks his feelings towards him, day after day.
With something as simple as being with you, the story ends. However, the constant twists and surprises contained in its pages will keep you alert until the last chapter.

Buy it on: Amazon.

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