Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror by Cara Delevingne

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Life is not perfect for Red, Leo, Rose and Naomi, but music unites them, and the future of their band Mirror, Mirror is promising. Until Naomi disappears. After finding Naomi unconscious in a river, police are considering it a suicide attempt. But his friends suspect that the cause is different. While she remains in the hospital in a coma, Red and Mirror's classmates ask themselves, "What has happened?" Mirror, Mirror is a complicated story about what it means to grow up. A group of 16-year-old friends trying to find out who they are and how to get over the minefield that is the institute.


Naomi disappeared and her friends are going to have a lot of problems. Red, Leo and Ash (Naomi's sister) are going to investigate what happened to her. At the same time Red, Leo and Rose are going to have problems with their families and between them. Discover how they are going to overcome all these obstacles and how they are going to show how they really are.

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