Geek girl

Geek girl by Holly Smale

Resultado de imagen de geek girl from geek to chic

 It's a series of books.


She knows that a cat has 32 muscles in each ear, a "jiffy" lasts 1/100th of a second, and the average person laughs 15 times per day. What she isn't quite so sure about is why nobody at school seems to like her very much. So when she's spotted by a top model agent, Harriet grabs the chance to reinvent herself. Even if it means stealing her Best Friend's dream, incurring the wrath of her arch enemy Alexa, and repeatedly humiliating herself in front of the impossibly handsome supermodel, Nick. Even if it means lying to the people she loves.


We recommend this book to lovers of romantic and comical books. This book will make you laugh a lot because Harriet says a lot of things that are interesting and at the same time funny. If you are a geek and at the same time you are a well-known person you would love it because you can feel identify with her. The part that is most interesting is when she has to change her life to become a model and when she feels for the first-time love and doesn't know what to do.

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All Wrapped Up by Holly Smale

All Wrapped Up (Geek Girl, #1.5)


Harriet Manners knows a lot about Christmas. She knows that every year Santa climbs down 91.8 million chimneys. She knows that Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer was almost definitely a girl. She knows that the first artificial Christmas trees were made out of goose feathers.
But this Christmas is extra special for Harriet because four days ago she had her First Ever Kiss.
Now she just needs to work out what's supposed to happen next…

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Model Misfit by Holly Smale

Model Misfit (Geek Girl, #2)


Harriet knows that modelling won’t transform you. She knows that being as uniquely odd as a polar bear isn’t necessarily a bad thing (even in a rainforest). And that the average person eats a ton of food a year, though her pregnant stepmother is doing her best to beat this.
What Harriet doesn’t know is where she’s going to fit in once the new baby arrives.
With summer plans ruined, modelling in Japan seems the perfect chance to get as far away from home as possible. But nothing can prepare Harriet for the craziness of Tokyo, her competitive model flatmates and her errant grandmother’s ‘chaperoning’. Or seeing gorgeous Nick everywhere she goes.
Because, this time, Harriet knows what a broken heart feels like.
Can geek girl find her place on the other side of the world or is Harriet lost for good?

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Geek Drama by Holly Smale

Geek Drama (Geek Girl, #2.5)


Harriet Manners knows that the hottest observed place on earth is Furnace Creek in Death Valley. She knows that dolphins shed the top layer of their skin every two hours. And she knows just how badly auditions can go, especially when you’re a model. But she has no idea what to do when her arch-nemesis decides the school play is the perfect opportunity to humiliate her…

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Picture Perfect by Holly Smale

Picture Perfect (Geek Girl, #3)


Harriet Manners knows more facts than most. She knows that New York is the most populous city in the United States. She knows that its official motto is "Ever Upward". She knows that 28% of Americans believe we never landed on the moon.
But she knows nothing about modelling in the Big Apple, and how her family will cope with life stateside. Or how to "become a brand", as the models in New York put it. And, even more importantly, what to do when the big romantic gestures aren't coming from your boyfriend...

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All that Glitters by Holly Smale

All That Glitters (Geek Girl, #4)


Harriet Manners has high hopes for the new school year: she’s a Sixth Former now, and things are going to be different. But with Nat busy falling in love at college and Toby preoccupied with a Top Secret project, Harriet soon discovers that’s not necessarily a good thing…

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Sunny Side Up by Holly Smale

Sunny Side Up (Geek Girl, #4.5)


Harriet Manners knows many facts.
And she knows everything there is to know about Paris… except what to do when you’re the hottest new model at Fashion Week.
Can Harriet find her je ne sais quoi or will it be sacré bleu! on the runway?

Buy it on: Amazon.

Head Over by Holly Smale

Head Over Heels (Geek Girl, #5)


Harriet Manners knows almost every fact there is.
She knows duck-billed platypuses don’t have stomachs.
She knows that fourteen squirrels were once detained as spies.
She knows only one flag in the world features a building.¡
And for once, Harriet knows exactly how her life should go. She’s got it ALL planned out. So when love is in the air, Harriet is determined to Make Things Happen!
If only everyone else would stick to the script…

Buy it on: Amazon.

Forever Geek by Holly Smale

Forever Geek (Geek Girl, #6)


My name is Harriet Manners and I’ll be a geek forever…
Harriet Manners knows almost every fact there is.
Modelling isn’t a surefire route to popularity. Neither is making endless lists. The people you love don’t expect you to transform into someone else. Statistically, you are more likely to not meet your Australian ex-boyfriend in Australia than bump into him there.
So on the trip of a lifetime Down Under Harriet’s to-do lists are gone and it’s Nat’s time to shine! Yet with nearly-not-quite-boyfriend Jasper back home, Harriet’s completely unprepared to see supermodel ex, Nick. Is the fashion world about to turn ugly for GEEK GIRL?
It’s time for Harriet to face the future. Time to work out where her heart lies. To learn how to let go…

Buy it on: Amazon.


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